Monday 6 February 2017

We are going to the Fat Duck!!!

I can't tell you how excited I am! It's my wife's birthday in April and "just for a laugh" I checked if there is a table available at the Fat Duck and guess what! They had one! (I know I am going overboard with the exclamation marks!)

Over the last few years we as a family have been following Heston Blumenthal and we have a quite a few of his books. We even tried soem of his dishes and made some which are best described as "inspired by Heston". For example (and that was before I started the blog) we did red cabbage gazpacho with mustard ice crram and the kids, now 10 and 13 - god knows how young they were then, went for thirds.

I also posted some of our experiments:

All in all Heston is probably THE food hero of mine and I am sooo looking forward to experience the real thing.

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