Monday 23 November 2015

Tomorrow's Food

Finally, I have sooo been looking forward to this....

The pizza vending machine is really funky, but it's not quite as much fun as Pizza Night.

Amazing item on tomato growing. Apparently, the fear of death triggers fruit production (for reproduction). Not sure on the ethical side if you draw parallels to us humans, but perhaps it's better not to go there...

Next is algae / seaweed. Well, I love my nori, konbu, wakame and the like. Pills? Perhaps they are easier to stomach for some, but I actually like the stuff and I prefer my food to chew rather than in pills. But apparently it prevents the body from storing fat. So, perhaps pills help to get more seaweed in. Truckers using these pills claim to have lost weight... Interesting...

Oh well, the restaurant section with robotic waiters etc - fast food serving is one thing, but a restaurant is more than just eating. It's the experience. Not just when you do Heston. Certainly taking his idea of the seafood IPod to a new level with the walls being screens creating the right mood and scenes is new.

Now there is a new thing. Loud pubs make you drink more. However, I knew that plane food is seasoned more highly. Either way, noise and sound around us affects how we eat and drink.

The sonic decanter is something I have absolutely never have heard of. Angela Hartnett has given it the thumbs up. Sounds interesting, but the punters on the street didn't seem convinced. Time will tell.

Next item is on robotic farm helpers. Well, we have seen lots on Countryfile. So I am convinced that robotics can help us maximise crops- and we need that! The robotic ladybird was hilarious.

As you might know from my YouTube channel (, I love drones, so of course they can help on a farm ;-)

Angela on the assault course is interesting - go Angela go :-) The topic is on military rations. The stuff they do to make these rations last is just mind boggling. Pre-cooked pizza lasting three years. Wow! And the troops gave it 8/10 (Angela scored it 2 point higher, but then it was her pizza).

Now it's about climate change. Future climates might change the crops we can grow. So what does that mean to our food and what can we learn from areas of extreme weather? Rain making Texas style is amazing. I thought this stuff is science fiction. Apparently could seeding actually works - again, wow!

Novelty food coming up. So, what is it??? A new berry. Transforming sour into sweet???? Clearly I have not read my Wikipedia ( It's called the miracle berry and the Japanese are trying to use genetically modified tomatoes to produce the same chemical.  Controversial, but interesting.

Electrical taste is up next. Not sure about that one. OK, so sharing tastes over the Internet is interesting, but the device on show just might need a little refining. I will not be replacing going to a restaurant with holding a circuit board up to my tongue.

 Finishing off with the tomtato - growing tomatoes on top and potatoes below. obviously both are part of the nightshade family, but still, this is new.

All in all, I can't wait for next weeks episode!

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