Now, I will not even attempt to blog on all episodes of this, but I saw in the description of today's one that Monica's challenge is filleting a sea bream, so that should be fun...
So here we go. It's not just filleting, it's serving it with an escabeche. Wow! Monica rocks! So beautiful - so let's see what the contestant will do to it...
Jamie looks like a bright young chef. But he's never done escabeche. Hacking away at that poor fish. Running late, but they allow him to finish. Too 2 minutes extra. cooking carrots the shortest doesn't sound like great understanding. Fish still got bones in. He certainly needs the second round.
Alex working at Corrigan's fish place. So he should be great at this. We'll see... Looks nervous. However the filleting looks good (I think, we'll see if Monica agrees). "Not a bad effort" she says. "Lovely flavors" from Greg and "lovely" from Marcus. Not bad, but if he doesn't loose the nerves he just might have a heart attack.
Josh is the third and last for Monica's challenge. Cooking the fish before even starting the escabeche. Interesting concept. Three minutes to spare... Probably should have used the three minutes to pin bone the fish. Or perhaps spending time to taste the escabeche. Summary was "harsh".
Marcus' challenge is watercress soup. Using fresh almonds. Potatoes for thickening. With a poached egg (as in Sunday's breakfast). Adding mustard, so I just learned something new! Monica says "stunning" and I can only agree!
Gayle is first. Another nervous one. Well, I am not a trained chef, but I would be nervous too. But it looks the job. "Amazed" coming from Marcus. Looks like the watercress is not cooked enough, but the poached egg is good. Not bad, but not great.
Dean from SA. South Africa is mainly known for meat, but we'll see. This one looks more confident. Watching these guys I think I need to do a post on poaching eggs and my pet hate on freshness of eggs. Good comments all round. Not perfect, but really good. Actually seems like a nice chap.
David is the sixth and last one. Soup looks good, but the egg looks like a car crash. Just learned from Marcus that when using potatoes to thicken a soup always slice a thinly a possible. David didn't ant therefore the soup[ is grainy. Not good. Better hope for a good second round. BTW, my wife swears that she has seen David on another programme.
Second round should be interesting...
David is using MCTP as his approach to midlife crisis. Obviously a joke, but odd either way.
Jamie up first. Sous Vide hake. Fish looks over done. "Basic dish done badly" isn't what I would call a compliment.
Dean is serving chicken breast with curry and raisins... Sounds a little like coronation chicken. The feedback is great, so I'd say he is trough to the next round even though GreG wasn't all that happy.
Gayle's laksa is next. The looks look like a car crash. Don't think she's gonna make it. Accused of wasting prime produce.
Josh has got aq rump of lamb with carrots looking lovely. Lovely lamb and sauce. "nothing bad to say" is high praise coming from Monica. The other two are following Monica's lead. So he is a staying - no doubt.
Alex is doing Halibut. Sounding and looking delicious, but stuff is missing. It still looks great though. According to Marcus, the fish is cooked beautifully. All round great comments, even though the additional elements would have enhanced the dish evenm more.
David is the only one making a pud. Greg doesn't like it. And when it comes to deserts that's not good. Mind you, the other don't like it neither. Good thing is that the usually only send home two. So someone might be lucky....
So the result is that Dean, Josh and Alex are staying while David, Gayle and Jamie are going home.
That was fun watching.